© 2013 Chuck Hayes
Sometimes, you just gotta have fun!
Welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web! This site is the playground!
This site is devoted to trying out some ideas, testing the code, and generally speaking, getting things right. If you should have any suggestions or comments, please leave feedback! Having worked in the packaging industry for over 30 years, some of these ideas may seem pretty basic, but with all the “rookies” entering the field year after year, why not make things a little easier for them and the rest of us!
Sometimes, we all need a little help. In the Shrink Film Industry, this is no exception. This PDF file combines many industry terms, definitions, and important information into a searchable document, complete with hyperlinks, to help even the most novice newcomer!
PakSize is a package calculator to help determine proper film size, material cost, and other important shrink packaging information. Web Based, to work on all platforms! Give it a try!
Web Based for all platforms!